Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Session Seven:

Does poverty come from the minimum wage standard set for many employees, or does it come from the pure lack of people willing to work and attain what wage they are able to receive? Working a 9 to 5 job and only earning $6.94 does not seem as if it would suffice for an individual to live comfortably in the midst of society. Although people look at jobs such as janitor, retail clerk, and security as not being equivalent to a lawyer, doctor or engineer, but it is  the fact that these “lower class” jobs still require hard word and long hours; even if these occupations did not require one to attend school for several years. Now, I am not saying it is fair in any way to pay those who are doing a “non-needed degree” job by the same token to those who are well-educated; but I am still unsure to whether or not the minimum wage limit is adequate enough to get those in desperate need of a job by.  After doing extensive research on minimum wage jobs, it is clear that being able to get by with a job paying no more than $9.00 per hour is a struggle, and almost impossible if there is a family involved. One who is working a minimum wage job may find it at their best interest to work a TIP paying job, that way they are able to leave the day with solid cash in  their hand, opposed to waiting for their next “set” pay check. Having to rely on a minimum paying job to create a living and budgeting money to support one’s self or a family is and always will be a struggle.
Furthermore, this proves the reason why staying in school and becoming well educated is terribly imperative  


  1. Trying to live on a minimum wage job and raising a family is near impossible. Think about the mothers who are raising children with a minimum wage job having to turn to public assistance. Tax paying citizens are having to foot the bill. If we increase the minimum wage rate to a reasonable standard rate based on a family of three, we would have less people living in poverty and more people self sufficient. This would also reduce Government spending on public assistance programs.

  2. That cartoon is absolutely perfect for this post! Nice find and nice post!

  3. Minimum wage increase is going to be tough to get in GA as it is one of the most business friendly states. I do agree that education is most important in today's world. Also people need to plan better budget wise as well as their lives. Maybe people should think about having kids AFTER they have a decent salary and know they can financially secure their family.

  4. It is absolutely impossible to work a single minimum wage job and support a family. I'm guessing that you might have a hard time telling someone who makes $2.13/hr plus tips that they are better off than those who are making minimum wage. You may have noted from the 9 to 5 tip workers video that some people who are paid tips don't even end up making the minimum wage per hour after they have "tipped out" to their support staff. I believe that education is part of the answer to the poverty problem, however for some being able to afford to go to school is tough especially if you include the opportunity cost of education.
