Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Illegal immigration is a topic I do not take lightly nor do I believe the government should brush aside as an insignificant matter. Although the idea of hiring a cheap labor force seems ideal, it is wrong. Not only does there need to be tighter laws regarding employers hiring illegal immigrants as cheap labor by paying them minimum wage, but the government also needs to crack down on finding illegal immigrants, which has begun to happen recently.
For me, the topic of immigration hits at home. My mother is from the Middle East, and struggled through the process of becoming a U.S citizen. It is entirely unfair to come into the United States and refuse to become a citizen once here.
Policy made as an attempt to stop illegal immigration:
The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1996
This was a clever policy established as an attempt to chastise illegal immigrant hiring employers. Not only did this act penalize the employers hiring illegal immigrants but it was also used to take away and deny rights to those who are illegal. This reform act was a great start towards tackling the immigration problem going on in the United States. And now more than ever, I feel as if immigration is finally being handled properly and affirmatively.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Session 12

                          Social Security

The problem about social secuirty nowadays is that it has become a way to redistribute wealth through society. As a republican, I believe in privatized social security. This means completely and totally putting an end to the distribution of social security and focusing on saving for individuals retirement.

Although putting an end to social security seems impossible and unable to accomplish within a short period of time because of the extensive crutch it gives to limit poverty, it can still slowly become possible so that the government can stop damaging retirement funds.

I will end on this note:

"Once you start diverting money from public social insurance into private accounts, privatization is occurring, to the detriment of the broader solvency of the program"

Monday, November 1, 2010

Session 11
Health care today has changed drastically compared to 10 years ago and I would have to say it is going downhill and fast.  Being republican and after reading over this session, these ideas still do not give me much confidence to any kind of improvement regarding health care. These are the aspects which I believe should not be modified and remain constant.  
Republican Party Platform on Health Care
  • ABC for AIDS: Abstinence, Be faithful, Change behavior. (Sep 2004)
  • Ethical research YES; embryo cells NO; cloning NO (Sep 2004)
  • No assisted suicide. (Sep 2004)
  • Government-run universal health care leads to inefficiencies. (Sep 2004)
  • A reformed Medicare will give seniors choice, flexibility. (Aug 2000)
  • Give individuals tools to manage their own health needs. (Aug 2000)
  • Allow customization of insurance, support health centers. (Aug 2000)
  • Lawyers should not hold physicians hostage. (Aug 2000)
Although the new ideas probably seem like a marvel for a lot of people in dire and desperate need, health care should stay privatized and not easily accessible and avaliable for everybody (in regards to those who do ont deserve it).
I am very curious how other students feel about the health care reform and whether or not they strongly oppose/agree with it. Also, whether or not one being republican  or democratic has a strong sway with the opinion.

"They want more power for the government," said Renier, 54, of Tucson, Ariz. "I don't believe the government has a right to tell us to buy health insurance."
“Tea party enthusiasm for repeal has failed to catch on with other groups, the poll found, which may be a problem for Republicans vowing to strike down Obama's signature accomplishment if they gain control of Congress in the Nov. 2 elections.”