Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Illegal immigration is a topic I do not take lightly nor do I believe the government should brush aside as an insignificant matter. Although the idea of hiring a cheap labor force seems ideal, it is wrong. Not only does there need to be tighter laws regarding employers hiring illegal immigrants as cheap labor by paying them minimum wage, but the government also needs to crack down on finding illegal immigrants, which has begun to happen recently.
For me, the topic of immigration hits at home. My mother is from the Middle East, and struggled through the process of becoming a U.S citizen. It is entirely unfair to come into the United States and refuse to become a citizen once here.
Policy made as an attempt to stop illegal immigration:
The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1996
This was a clever policy established as an attempt to chastise illegal immigrant hiring employers. Not only did this act penalize the employers hiring illegal immigrants but it was also used to take away and deny rights to those who are illegal. This reform act was a great start towards tackling the immigration problem going on in the United States. And now more than ever, I feel as if immigration is finally being handled properly and affirmatively.


  1. I strongly support the Immigration Act of 1996, especially the part about penalizing employers who hire illegal immigrants. I still think this is room for improvement though. Instead of focusing on people coming into the country, we need to focus on the people already here. Either they need to become legal or leave.

  2. I really liked the fact that you included how it also affected the citizenship affected your mother, it definitely puts more things into perspective when you know someone who's experienced something first hand.
    Nice post, you made some really awesome points.

  3. I strongly agree with your opinion. I also believe that it is wrong and unfair for immigrants to come here illegally and think they have the right to do so. I also like how you spoke about how your mother was affected and that she had to go through the citizenship process. Just like if we go to other countries just to even visit, there is a process we have to go through.
